Sunday, August 5, 2012

Excellencies, Distinguished Bloggers, Blog Fans, Youths, Ladies and Gentlemen, It gives me great pleasure to extend to you all a very warm welcome on behalf of the owners and managers of wahalablog and to say how grateful we are to senior bloggers and the general. Internet community present here. It is an opportune time to renew contacts and discuss problems of mutual interest with bloggers and fans of music and all round entertainment from the Region. It is gratifying to note that the agenda of the Blog covers a wide range of very interesting items relating to music, news, celebrities etc and especially those directly related to aspects of music management. Although the extent of all round entertainment in Nigeria is limited, and by no means comparable in importance to that in most countries of the Globe, yet where they are enjoyed, they may present special problems in the management of news, gossips etc. In this our part of the globe where bad news travels faster than good news, Under unsaturated moisture conditions, the unimpeded movement of news and gossips imposes the necessity for effective and proper methods of information transfer in order to regulate what happened and what was reported, thus ensuring an efficient use of the internet and its opportunities, yet preventing through ease of leaching the build up of salinity from news of marginal quality. Generally under our entertainment conditions good fortune horizons overlay finer texture layers or intermingle in sequence of layers of varying entertainment classes. It is in this latter connection that their true properties, such as true braodcasting modify the properties of the whole profile. We are only too anxious to hear our distinguished colleagues report on their recent findings in general too. It has become commonplace to say, and repeat saying, that NIGERIA is the future. No matter how much we can do by ourselves on the national level, whether it be news finding or entertainment development, it is never enough. In a spirit of true cooperation, we in this region of the world., proud of nurturing all past and present civilizations and cultures, must join in an action-oriented effort to attack and solve the problems that entertainment development. If on the national level we can, and must, pursue entertainment development as a multi- dimensional concept, encompassing the economic, social, institutional and physical elements of development, in a wider sense, it would be relatively easy to effect the necessary adjustments for a truly effective cooperation on the regional basis. This is fully consonant with our official position taken and the full support of the public. Have a nice tour on our Blog site.

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