Eons ago an African King of great wealth and
influence decided to build a dome around his
kingdom's treasures, in the center of the city. The
walls of the dome were as tall as the clouds and a
golden gate was mounted at the only entrance of the
dome. After the dome was completed and stocked,
the King handed the only key to the dome to his most
trusted adviser, and ordained him the First
Gatekeeper of the Kingdom's fortune.
Many years later when it became imminent that the
kingdom will soon be invaded by a more powerful
king, who sought only to corner the dome's
treasures, the Gatekeeper quickly devised a new
plan to safeguard the contents of the dome. He
divided the treasures into four portions and had his
trusted allies transfer them to the four corners of the
earth. Only he knew the exact location of all four
portions and to ensure that each portion could be
retrieved by the next gatekeeper or a worthy
individual, a map was drawn for the location of each
of the portion. The Gatekeeper then locked the four
maps in a treasure chest and disappeared into the
dark forest.
After years of war between the two kingdoms, the
gatekeeper's kingdom fell. The new king immediately
sent out 12 of his finest warriors into the dark forest
to find the Gatekeeper. Weeks later, only one of the
12 returned with just enough breath to narrate their
ordeal. The Gatekeeper had set up a series of
dangerous and tricky challenges in his trail, and all
the other brave warriors were overwhelmed and
destroyed by the first of the long series of
challenges. The Gatekeeper's chest of fortunes was
impossible to reach.
After many failed attempts, the new King gave up on
the search and the story of the Gatekeeper soon
became nothing but folk tales.
GULDER ULTIMATE SEARCH is the reality show for
achievers – individuals who are champions in their
everyday lives.
In order to participate, the applicant must meet the
following requirements:
I. Be between the ages of 21 and 30 years old.
II. Possess demonstrable skills in the following vital
areas: strength, confidence, endurance, physical and
health fitness.
III. Carefully read and agree to the Terms and
Conditions required for applicants.
IV. Fill out the on-line Entry Form and upload a
recent photograph in the space provided for it on the
Entry Form and submit the Form on-line. If you
qualify a mail will be sent to your email box within
24hrs containing 1. Terms and Conditions Form and
2. The Referee Form* as attachments.
V. Download and carefully read the Terms and
Conditions Form before signing it.
VI. Other details/instructions will be communicated to
you via email and through this website so ensure you
check back from time to time.
* Applicant's two referees MUST be reputable
members of the society, one of whom MUST BE the
Applicant's Parent or Guardian. The Referees must
authenticate the claims of the applicant by signing
the form.
Closing date for the online entry is September 13th,
Multiple registration will lead to automatic
The Application Form is detailed to enable us get a
good knowledge of the applicant and to determine
the suitability of the applicant for the Gulder Ultimate
For Further Enquiries
Call any of the following numbers: 08162164356,
07059514986 or our Consumer Care Line: 0700
Or send an e-mail to register@
Gulder Ultim
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