It is a
marketing ploy, people. Really. Oh sure, you've seen the commercials,
the ones that say anything goes here.
Even the straight-laced are seen
smoking cheap cigars and playing slots
before they've left the airport. But Prince Harry is not alone.
Everyone is fair game, especially when
cameras are standard equipment on
smartphones and Facebook is just a
click away. Note these examples: — After a September 2010 concert at
the Hard Rock's Wasted Space
nightclub, a bathroom attendant
noticed Bruno Mars was taking a long
time in a stall — accompanied by a
little bag of white powder. A security guard confronted him as he left, and
Mars ended up getting probation and
community service for a cocaine
charge — all as his song "Just the Way
You Are" climbed the Billboard
charts. — In 2010, a police officer stopped
the car Paris Hilton was riding in after
noticing a "vapor trail" of marijuana
smoke wafting from the windows.
Once inside the Wynn resort on the
Strip, Hilton reached in her Chanel purse for lip balm but ended up
dropping a small bag of cocaine —
right in front of the officer. She told
authorities it wasn't hers and she
thought it was gum. — A group of General Services
Administration employees got some
unwelcome fame when the goofy skits
they prepared for a lavish conference
in October 2010 ended up on
YouTube. A congressional panel wasn't as amused by one employee's ditty
about never getting audited by the
inspector general. Heads rolled when
word got out that the $820,000
event included a taxpayer funded
clown, mind-reader, and 24 unassembled bicycles for a team-
building exercise. — Britney Spears walked down the
aisle in jeans and a baseball cap in
2004. The pop princess ended up
waking up in Vegas next to her
childhood friend and decided she
should trim that whole "till death do us part" thing to 55 hours of wedded
bliss. — And, last, but not least, Prince
Harry, the third in line to the British
throne, played a game of strip
billiards, only to find that someone
leaked blurry photos of the naked
royal cozied up to an apparently undressed mystery woman. Prince
Harry's office confirmed Wednesday
that the photos were of the prince,
but declined to make any further
comment. Source : yahoo
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