At least one child has died.
Internet has become very
popular in China and teens are
becoming addicted to it. This is
happening all over the world,
really, but in China they decided to do something serious about it.
Parents have begun to ship their
kids off to rehab camps that are
really boot camps with glorified
names. There are at least 400
private rehabilitation camps that are unlicensed in China
now. They say there are 10 million
teenage web addicts in China.
The centers or camps are pretty
brutal, too. Many others are
believed to be beaten regularly. One boy was sent to a camp and
within a week had been beaten
severely three times and was in
solitary confinement. I'm pretty
sure the boy was waterboarded,
because he was found to have water in his lungs and his kidneys
were failing. All of this within a
week of being at the rehab
camp! Another teen died at a
rehab camp. He was only 15 and
they found him severely beaten. After blogs were posted online
describing intense electro-shock
therapy at the camps, the
government banned it. Kids were
claiming they were shocked for
up to 30 minutes at a time. Camp owners have stated that
physical punishment is an
effective and necessary means
for rehabilitation.
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